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Monday, June 08, 2015

Update: My life at this point.

Hello you guys!
I have been fairly inactive on all of my social media lately including YouTube. There is no real reason for my absence other than I didn't feel like posting and what's the point of doing something if it's not for fun right?! I am also still super unsure of where I want this blog to be going in terms of content I want to post, but I'll figure it out a long the way. Things are always more interesting when there is no plan. So I am back for now and I am excited to update you on some cool things that are happening in my life! I will be doing a video about it sometime in the future that I will link to this post. But you heard it here first folks!

So here goes.....
I am going to start studying in July! YAY! I have been wanting to start studying since I left high school in 2013 and I am finally in the right place in my life to begin my journey. Some of you may know already, if you know my in real life, that I have wanted to go to med school and become a doctor for pretty much ever. Now I am taking the first steps towards this goal by studying a diploma of nursing. Although this is not yet medicine it is a stepping stone in this giant journey and I am really excited to start learning new things and challenging my brain again.

I think I am going to start doing some stationary posts as well are organisation and study tips and stuff when I get settled back into the study life. I really like those blogs and I have become slightly obsessed with looking at how other people organize there lecture notes and study material. This has led to many many hours scrolling pinterest and looking at DIY notebook making and binder organisation. So if I do happen to pick up any gems of wisdom I will be sharing them with you all here on this blog. I am going to keep my youtube a beauty and fashion based and would like for this blog to become more of a life update, family, DIY, cooking tutorial type blog. Hopefully you are al on board with that!

Thanks for reading my super rambly, text heavy post about my life hopefully I will be posting more frequently. Thanks for you support I love this hobby and I love it even more when you guys contribute. Love to you all, Yasmine

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