Well, it feels a little bit that way, since I have been gone for ages! But here I am, ready to write! I've been holding out to write something for a while, since the new revamp gave me a hankering for new content. However my brain seemed to be a barren wasteland of died up inspiration, empty ideas and jumbled words!
So now that I am back once again, it's time to catch you guys up on what shenanigans I have gotten up to since I last wrote a post. So in a quick summary, I spontaneously moved out of my flat (which has turned into a somewhat interesting but lovely period of living with Nick. Which is intended to only be temporary, but I am honestly in no hurry to leave.), started learning the ukulele( which I love), Had my laptop die and had to get it replaced (with a newer, whiter, shiny new one), and just overall enjoying myself!
So instead of continuing to rant about all the things I left you guys out of, I thought I would rewind time a little and go back to show you this past Easter, where I re-visited the beautiful city of Toowoomba, Queensland. Although it's only a couple hours away (give or take) it was a fun little trip which I think justifies some blogging!
Lets hope my memory isn't too foggy!
The first day of my miniature trip, like many others, began with travel. Goodbye to Brisbane, Hello Toowoomba!
After a morning that felt a little too early for the start of a holiday, we wandered down to the Roma Street transit centre. Nick sold his car a little while back (Woo! Save the environment) so we adventured to our destination via bus. A big red and blue greyhound bus, from Roma St Station. 9/10 pretty comfy seats for a bus, seatbelts (Yay safety!), charging slots for USB inputs, Free WiFi. I mean, it was a pretty spiffy bus. Nothing to complain about. Especially since I slept most of the way.
The bus ride itself was mercifully quick, once again thanks to my ability to fall asleep anywhere and sleep through anything, a gift that I am frequently grateful for as a shift worker.
The bus ride itself was mercifully quick, once again thanks to my ability to fall asleep anywhere and sleep through anything, a gift that I am frequently grateful for as a shift worker.
We arrived at Nick's beautiful family home and because it was Easter and because I can't turn down a cuppa, we had some (really tasty) dairy free chocolate eggs with a nice hot cup of English Breakfast. There is something magical about the way tea warms up your insides and just makes everything good in the world. I think if everyone just stopped fighting for a minute and shared a nice cup of hot tea with one another, the world would probably end up with less wars. Tea fixes everything.
Then followed a relaxing afternoon, a nap and some messing around with my camera, which by the way still doesn't focus properly since I dropped it watching the sunrise at Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Which was definitely a bummer but totally worth it.
Of all the shameless selfies we ended up taking this would have to be my favourite, It's probably mostly due to the fact that I'd cut myself a horribly crooked fringe (which I am still growing out), but in this photo, you can't really tell. So here's to the struggles, that I'm sure many people are way to familiar with; the wonky fringe.
Then we were graced with a beautiful home cooked dinner, and a night of chatting and drinks to round off one lovely day. Which ended like all good days with a nice comfy bed.
Today began with a much needed sleep in, Holidays jut really aren't complete without a little bit of extra sleeping. Or a lot if you are me.
I mean I really love sleep, I often sleep all day, only surfacing for necessities, like food......
....and in today's case a soy chai latte, which, since cutting out animal products, has quickly become one of my favourite cafe orders, since I really don't like coffee.
After a classic holiday morning with the appropriate amount of sunshine, sleep and relaxing Nick took me for a drive because I was hankering to take photos of the beautiful Toowoomba landscape. Instead of talking about all the places we went, I've decided to just upload a handful of my favourite snaps from the little adventure.
My time in Toowoomba was beautiful as always, a quiet Easter, a lovely photography adventure and now I have a pretty decent blog post out of it. (If I may say so myself). The next morning; after another night of great food and a comfortable bed, I was Brisbane bound. Home again!
So once again guys, as always, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed seeing the beautiful Queensland countryside, because I really enjoyed visiting and blogging. To be honest, making this post a month late was kinda of nice, because I got to look back on how much fun my easter was, but I will try not to make it over a month until I post again, I promise.
I will speak to you guys again soon, I am so glad to be back,
So once again guys, as always, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed seeing the beautiful Queensland countryside, because I really enjoyed visiting and blogging. To be honest, making this post a month late was kinda of nice, because I got to look back on how much fun my easter was, but I will try not to make it over a month until I post again, I promise.
I will speak to you guys again soon, I am so glad to be back,
Amazing ��
ReplyDeleteThanks so much :D