It started with a 5 am alarm clock and the strong feeling that I wanted to call in sick. It wasn't because I just wanted to have a sick day so I could spend some time lounging around. It was because I had a strong feeling in my stomach that I knew was anxiousness. If you don't know what this feels like, which most people probably do, I'll let you know what it feels like for me. It feels like that moment when you are walking down the stairs in the dark and you think you have reached the floor but there's actually another step. But this feeling stretches over much longer than one moment sometimes goes on for days. It could also be compared to that moment in a scary movie when you know something horrible is about to happen and your body starts tensing and your stomach churns. Now I don't want you to worry too much. Because most of the time it is not debilitating and I can live a normal day that just has a underlying feeling of a nagging uncomfortable feeling.
Regardless of this feeling I went to work because it's important to me that I live my life as normal as humanly possible even when I have anxious feelings because I don't want it to take to control of my life. For me the more I feed into my anxiety and let it stop me from living my life the worse it gets and the more things I don't do because I am scared.
Before things get any more gloomy I just want to say that. Please understand that this is a part of my life, but it does not mean that my life is bad. Yes I did have to come home from work early, but the fact that I went is a personal achievement. Now, I am writing this post, not so I can feel sorry for myself and have a post to remind myself of how hard it gets. But I want anyone who suffers from anxiety to know that I understand it is hard and I want to let you in on the secret of how I come out from my anxious state in the hope that it will perhaps help you to think of things that you can do that will help you in your life.
So this post is now going to become the story of how I turned my day around and started to enjoy the rest of the day.
This photo was taken about 6 months ago, but I feel like it is a good representation of how happy Nicholas makes my life, so it is for this reason that I want to share it with you. |
Towards the end of my shift when my anxiety was at it's worst for that particular day. I sent a message to Nicholas asking if he could come and get me from work because I wasn't feeling my best. So about half an hour later he was standing in front of me even though my shift still had nearly half an hour left. He talked to me and made me feel better already.
Now before I continue with my day I just want to take a moment to appreciate the effect that our loved ones have on us throughout our journey through anxiety. I have always lived by the theory that although anxiety is hard for the sufferer. It may even be harder to see the people you love suffer and not be able to do anything about it. So I want to thank Nicholas in particular for always being here for me and supporting me through my life and all of it's endeavors.
Now continuing with the rest of my day....
Daniel made us some yummy nachos and we listened to music and I really enjoyed myself.
We also ended up watching despicable me which I hadn't seen yet. I thought it was pretty cute and funny.
After all these fun times Daniel and I walked with Yukie back to her house at Kangaroo point. It was a long walk but it was a beautiful night and Daniel took some cool shots of us.
My day ended walking back from Yukie's house with Daniel talking about life. He has been a great support to me since moving in with us at the beginning of the year and he has become a very important part of the support system within my life.
I hope that this post wasn't too gloomy for you guys and I hope that you have taken some inspiration from my life. I want to acknowledge the beautiful friends and family I have in my life that help me through the good and the bad times. They help to talk with me when I need it, but share the silence when I don't and they always help me to see the beauty that is my life. Even if I haven't mentioned you personally in my post if you are a part of my life then I am talking about you as well. Because the people in my life love me and it enables me to live a full life regardless of what issues may arise.
Now before I end this very long post I want to encourage people suffering from anxiety or any other mental illness to get help. Even if you think that it's not too bad or other people have it worse off it doesn't matter we all need people to talk to. That may be friends an family or a professional or maybe even just calling a hotline. (1800 18 7263 Beyond Blue Hotline) Please know that your options are open and that even though there are some bad things in life. Life itself is not bad. It's a good life.
I love you all very much and I wish you all happiness in your lives xx
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