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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day #9 27-06-2015 Family, Brisbane and more Jigsaw.

Hi everyone. Today has been a lovely day for me and a improvement on yesterdays mood. I just want to thank you guys for the overwhelming support I got from my previous post. Today was filled with a visit from my family. Which was just what I needed to cheer me up further. We walked around South bank and enjoyed a lovely day. The word for today is eyesome, which means pleasant to look at.
So the story begins....

I woke up and spent the morning lounging around and recovering from the late night last night. Although I enjoy mornings I commonly like to stay in bed for extended periods of time, I mean who doesn't right? So after some time listening to music and playing on my phone I got a message from Nicholas (who was staying at a friends house) saying that his family was coming to visit. This for me is always a nice surprise because I am lucky to be welcomed into his family with love. I am very blessed to have been accepted into his family with so much love. 

Photo credit to Nicholas

I walked to Southbank to meet them for the day and one of the first things I did was get an iced tea
and a swirly potato on a stick. Now I have a kind of reputation with this potato sticks. Whenever I see them I usually eat so many that I make myself sick. But today I restrained myself and only had one. 

After thoroughly enjoying my potato stick Nicholas and I joined Sonia and Natassja for a really delicious vegetarian platter while Wayne and Ashlyn went to the museum. 

We walked through Southbank and the very beautiful Natassja who you might recognize from another post. Bought be a balloon flower and we took a cute picture with them. Photo credit to Nicholas. She is super cute and I like that we are good friends.

Then we decided to go on the Wheel of Brisbane which is a giant Ferris wheel  that gives you a beautiful view of Brisbane. Here are some of the cool shots I took. (Yes, one is a selfie)

All in all the view from the wheel of Brisbane was eyesome and I enjoyed it very much. 
After a hot chocolate and a Chai latte I made my way back home for the evening. Me and Daniel hung out while everyone was out to dinner and they brought us back some yummy food. We did some more of this giant puzzle that I really want to finish before I go away.

So my day was great filled with people and love and just what I needed to combat the anxious feelings of late. I want to say a big thank you again to the people who read my last post, I wasn't sure I had made the right decision by sharing my anxiety on the internet but that post meant a lot to me and I am glad I shared. I hope you enjoyed today's post (even if it was a day late again) I had a really beautiful day see you all tomorrow xx.

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