So some of you may have noticed that I did not write a post for yesterday. I honestly wasn't feeling up to it. Both today and yesterday I had been anxious about a doctors appointment that was on today. (More on this later) So basically yesterday and today were difficult days for me. But I am going to share what I can with you anyway. So today I wanted to share my all time favorite word with you all petrichor which is the smell that happens when it rains after a period of dryness. It rained today, so that is why this word came to my mind.
So my day began with a beautiful combination of tea and pancakes. This is still one of the simpler things in life that makes me incredibly happy. Today because of my fear of the looming doctors appointment I definitely needed some cheering up. So when I woke I had a undeniable urge to cook (but mostly to eat) pancakes.
The beautiful Yukie left me a lovely gift in the fridge of a cake she made. Which brightened my day and made for a beautiful start to my day. So basically I had pancakes and cake for breakfast.
After this beautiful start to my morning I decided to continue on with my puzzle, which I had hoped to have finished by now. Here is a picture of what progress has happened so far.
Now after some serious head down puzzle attempting. It was time for me to make my way to my doctors appointment. Now as I was saying a couple of posts ago, I have been having some major anxiety and mood swings in my life recently. So I decided that I needed to seek some professional help. This is not to say that the people in my life are not enough, but I just felt like a little more burdening on them lately as I have been more depressed. I am not going to share everything with you guys, but since my last post on anxiety reached so many people I just want to keep you updated on my journey in hopes to inspire you into seeking help if you have any problems. So I went to the doctors and got prescribed a medication called Lamotrigine. This was another thing I was concerned about sharing but I felt it necessary because I want to explain something that the doctor told me about medication.
The most important thing that I have to remember is that it's helping not just me but all the people in my life. But also that just because I am taking medication doesn't mean I am weaker in my battle. I want to stress that if it helps you in your journey, you should do it. That help may be medication, change of lifestyle, talking to someone or doing something that you love. Whatever your treatment is if it is helping improve your quality of life, I don't see it as a negative thing.
Now after my doctors appointment was over. I met up with the beautiful Yukie again. We went out for some drinks and some food (which was amazing). She is very understanding and supportive and she helps to cheer me up. Especially with cake.
I want to thank you all again for the continual support of my life. I am glad to shave started this adventure. I hope that my story can help some of you to seek out the things in your life that will make you happy. Thank you again for reading xx
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