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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day #2 20-0-2015 Photos in the Park, House Warming

Hello and welcome back to day #2 of my blogging journey. I am still super excited about this challenge and determined to try my best to keep posting. So without further ado the new word of the day is fugacious which means for something to be fleeting, or last for a short period of time.
So lets jump into my day today. 

My day began with a big sleep in as is regular in my routine lately. I drank peppermint tea this morning which is another favorite of mine. If you didn't already notice I don't actually like black tea, only herbal type teas. I drank my tea but instead of reading my book I spent time with my housemate. His name is Daniel and she is pretty much the best housemate I could ask for and also happens to be one of my best friends. So after tea we decided we wanted to go for a walk to take some photos. We ended up back in Roma Street Park which is a beautiful park in Brisbane for those of you who do not know, you will see many photos of this park over the course of my series here on this blog because I visit there frequently.

I thought the Autumn leaves and trees were super beautiful because where I come from most of the trees are evergreen and therefore don't lose there leaves, so we don't get the super beautiful colours of a traditional Autumn. While we were wandering around and having lots of laughs Daniel decided to sit on a wall and takes some photos (pictured to the left) He ended up getting in trouble and being asked to get down, which I found hilarious.

We walked on into the city, Queen Street Mall area to be precise to get some food cause it was after 1 and neither of us had eaten yet. We went to my all time favorite place to get food a Mexican place called Guzman Y Gomez or GYG. If you haven't been here you really should. It is the best Mexican food I have ever tasted and I am extremely obsessed.

One of Daniels many talents is photography so he took some pretty cute photos of me whilst we were on our journey which I thought I would share with you guys. He is an awesome photographer and a pretty cool guy. Total credit of the photos below go to him.

I would also just like to mention that taking a good photo of me is no easy feat because I move constantly. Many, many of the photos he took that day were blurry because my ability to remain still is very fugacious (See I used my word again today). Which is putting it nicely, it is pretty much non- existent. It's not like I don't try to stand still, there is just much funner things to be doing that standing still and looking into a lens. In my opinion.

After our nice walk in the park on this super lovely day we had a homecoming party to attend. A couple of my close friends moved houses recently so it only make sense to party. They were playing a card game called Magic the Gathering or MTG which I really love to play. For those of you who don't know what it is, well, it is super hard to explain because it has a billion rules that all have exceptions and even the exceptions to the rules have exceptions but if you are curious I would recommend Googling it.

Those are my some of my beautiful friends. We had a good time but I didn't stay as long as I would have liked because I am back to work tomorrow morning. 

Me and my housemate came back to our house and we had fun, like we always do and he was super kind and made me some nachos for dinner and hopefully the rest of my night will be just as fun as the rest of my day.

I hope all of you also had a wonderful day and I will hopefully catch you tomorrow for another fun filled day of adventure. Thanks so much to reading my posts I appreciate the support from you guys.
See you again tomorrow. Much love,

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