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Saturday, July 04, 2015

Day #15 04-07-2015 Breakfast, More Photography Adventures, Meeting New Friends.

Hello you lovely people,
Now that I am up to speed on my posts I hope to keep it that way at least for a little while.
The word of today is vemödalen which is the frustration felt when photographing something beautiful when you already know that thousands of similar photos exist.

The morning began with another sleep in and a beautiful breakfast made for me by Nicholas. Times like these in my life where I feel more spoiled than usual. He made a vegetarian bacon and eggs on toast. I also had a couple strawberries because they are probably my favorite fruit. This was a lovely start to the day. After I finished my breakfast and wrote some more on my blog Daniel came to get me so we could go and take more photos today.

You may wonder why we like taking photos so much and I often wonder the same thing. But it's just something I really enjoy. Which is fortunate since I have a blog to show them on. Now this leads me to the word of today. Vemödalen is often felt by me when taking photos. But I feel it is something that photography enthusiasts have to get over in order to take shots because they want them to be part of their collection regardless of the commonness of the photo. So in light of this we went out and took some amazing photos of the countryside around the Port Stephens area. These photos are all courtesy of the amazing Daniel. He took heaps of awesome photos, but most of the ones I chose are of me because I feel like they make me look pretty.

Now I just want to tell you a story about the last two photos that Daniel took. Because it documents the exact reason why I am afraid of birds. One minute they are all relaxed and then they are suddently flapping and clawing and freaking me out with all their sudden movements. So the first photo is me taking some cute innocent photos of the pelicans and the next thing you know they are being all scary and I ran for my life. 

After our photography adventure. Daniel took me to visit two of his friends and they were both lovely. I took some photos there but I decided not to share them because this post already has so many photos in it. But all in all I had a great day and tomorrow with have some more adventures with more family.

Thank you so much for reading I love it when I see loads of people have visited my blog. I will see you again tomorrow I hope.
Love love love,

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