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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Day #16 05-07-2015 Frosty Morning, Beautiful Walk and Lots and Lots of food.

Hello everyone,
Sorry this post is a little late, we have been staying in a place with no internet connection. We are back with the internet now so I can update you guys on the last two days.

My day began with an early start and a frosty morning. It was 5 degrees Celsius when Nicholas and I got into the car this morning. The windscreen and windows were all frosted and we were both relived when the heater kicked in.

We were meeting up with his Aunt for a delicious brunch at a bustling cafe called the eurobar. It was super cute and a little retro and had amazing food. We were all very full after finishing our meals. The hot chocolate that I had was also really yummy and was just what I needed to help warm up this very cold morning.

After a beautiful and filling breakfast we really needed to go on a walk to help digest all the food.

After a quick stop at the shopping center and a mango smoothie we went to a memorial walk that had a beautiful view. There were whales and it wasn't too cold in the wind surprisingly.

The walk was beautiful being out in the sun was nice and warm and most importantly the view was amazing. The water was really blue and everything was really pristine. I very much enjoyed the walk. After the walk was up and some more errands were done we went to get some frozen yogurt.

The place we went to was called yogurtland and I can't really remember what flavors I had, but it was all really yummy. I love going to these places where you get to add your own toppings. I think it's a load of fun.

After some amazing yogurt we made our way to Nic's grandparents house for the night. We had loads of great food and played their beautiful piano, played some pool and had an all around awesome night.

Thanks again for reading. I hope these posts are interesting for you. I'll be posting again soon hopefully so I can catch up with my posting again.
Love to you all x

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