So as I guessed in my last post the last couple of days have been study, study, study. Slightly stressful, but also filled with some brilliant people and some much needed distraction. But also an overwhelming amount of support for the irrational anxiety that exam and assignment time tends to bring about.
Sometimes when I am constantly studying I feel as if my brain is melting with this overload of information and I have this overwhelming feeling that it might start leaking out my ears. It's times like these that I need support and/or distraction from the beautiful people of my life.
One night I needed a break I stayed with Dominic, it was nice to just relax and not do any school work, or even think about school work really. A nice recharge for the brain. I played some Minecraft and he played some Guildwars and we just enjoyed one anothers company like all good friends do.

We also watched on of my favorite movies of all time. It's called About Time I have already mentioned it before in a post and I would highly recommend watching it if you haven't already.
Distraction comes in many forms. One day it was drawing all over my legs, Elliot helped me with this beautiful piece of art that is unfortunately washed off now.
Now distraction is amazing at calming my nerves. In fact it's probably the best thing for my anxiety. But it unfortunately does mean that things are not getting finished, which is an issue. So when I am needing to get things done I often need a little help. I can find my mind wandering and I find it easier to retain information that someone has taught me. So Dominic has been helping me study for my anatomy and physiology test. I think he is an awesome teacher and since that's what he wants to be when he grows up then that's great.
Elliot has also been a huge help to me. He has been over my exam with me countless times even though he had already passed because he is just a lovely guy.
I don't have very many study tips as I am still just learning myself. But I do quite enjoy diagrams now. After saying that I hated them not long ago I have recently come around to the idea of drawing and practicing diagrams. I also use flash cards and I am slowly developing a style of revision that works well for me. I think that after all the panic and stress about not remembering anything that I revised, when I actually sat the test I think I did really well. So a huge shout out to Dominic and Elliot for being such lovely people that helped me tremendously.
Now that the exam is over I still have heaps of assignments due. So fingers-crossed that I do well. I am also having some people that are very special to me come and visit Brisbane today. I am so excited, I will be posting about my adventures with them so please come back to see that.
I hope that all your goals are being reached and that you are not feeling to overwhelmed by all of the tasks that life has for us to complete. But if you are I would definitely recommend getting some help from your friends even if it's just for a night off.
Have the greatest of times and I will be writing to you all again soon
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