I hope you are as excited as I am for returning back to daily blogs. As I said before I will not be blogging everyday so today I am doing a two in one thing. I won't post about everyday but I did quite enjoy the last couple of days so I feel like I could cram them both into one post.
This morning began with two tired faces, a bored game and some juice.
I was with one of my newest friends, Elliot. He is part of my class at school and we had hung out the night before. He seems to be a good influence as he convinced me to attend my not important and also very not interesting classes more often.
We went for a walk early in the morning to get a juice, but also for me it's an attempt to not feel like I am in hibernation and to get some sunshine on me. Got to get that vitamin D!
He was also awesome enough to play with me one of my favorite board games of all time. It's called the logo game and if I can say so myself I think I am fairly great at it. Which is part of the reason that I like it so much. But in all honesty the next best things to playing and winning is playing and losing in my opinion. As long as playing involved.
There were some really cool people at this party. Ranging from people I have been friends with for ages to people I just met that day. An eclectic bunch of people all super friendly and each unique.
This was the first time I had seen Nicholas since he moved out and it went okay. Not without dramas. Because I just a big ball of drama right now. But all in all it was awesome. He played guitar and we all sung along, played charades and just all round got along as friends. The night ended with me coming back to Adena and Banjo's house for a nice warm bath, lots of cuddles and support and a nice couch bed.
Today started with a sleep in, a long walk, some tea and a Harry Potter board game. Now tea and Harry Potter are a couple of my favorite things in life so all in all I would consider this an excellent start to the day.
Because we slept in so late, it was then time to go to the shops to get some dinner. You know it's been a good day when it's dinner time at breakfast.
Here is a super safe photo of Adena slowing down in the middle of the road so that I could take a photo of her. Safety first!
"When we stop fearing failure, we start being artists."
I then made a marathon dish washing effort. Un-burdening my friends from their dishes as a thank you for being awesome and letting me stay at your house for a couple nights.

Then Adena made me some awesome dinner that was so delicious we ate ourselves into a food coma.
So all in all the last couple of days for me have been pretty good. Filled with friends, love and support what more could you really want? Hopefully this is the beginning to a long road of spending time with friends.
"Here's to the nights that turned into mornings and the friends that turn into family."
I hope you enjoyed reading. I'll be back soon with some more posts. But I do have loads of study to do for an exam and also quite a few assignments so no promises. Love to you all.
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