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Saturday, November 21, 2015

November Adventure Day 12 & 13 (Cambodia) Two days of temples andblessings

Hello again my lovely followers and welcome back to another day of my travel adventures. It feels like an eternity since I last made a post, all the days just blur together when we the days are so full and I never know what the date is. I have decided to skip up to day 12 because for day 11 I was pretty ill and didn't take any photos worth posting. But to get you all caught up we caught a bus from Saigon, Vietnam to Phenom Pehn, Cambodia.

"Travelling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller."


Today was my first day in Cambodia and my first impressions of the country and the city of Phenom Pehn. I slept in a didn't make it to breakfast yet again. We set out into the Cambodian heat for a wander down the streets. The heat here seemed to be even hotter than in Vietnam, which I didn't think was possible. Here are some of the shots I took on our walk.

The beautiful river we could see from our window

Wat Ounalom

The Kings Palace

Now our intention was to go and have a look at the Kings Palace, but none of us thought to check what time it opened and when we got there it was closed for lunch, so after spending some time hanging out with all the pigeons, then a late breakfast/ lunch for me, we succumbed to the call of the took took drivers for a much cooler way of travelling. It also helps that they know where they are going.

Now this photo is of a little fuel station where a lady stands with bottles of petrol and people stop and she pours them into the fuel tanks.

The took took, stopped first at the Wat Phenom, which was very beautiful and completely covered in art.

 After spending some time in the Wat admiring all the beautiful artwork, our took took driver took us to the central market. Despite the fact that it rained and I got slightly wet dodging the drips coming down in between tarps, I really enjoyed this market.

The afternoon rolled around quickly and we went back for a much needed swim to cool off from the Cambodian heat. After a deserved afternoon sleep it was off to the night markets for a bit of a wander.

Got to see some beautiful dancers.

My favorite stall, it was just so beautiful with all the flowers 

After a good night at the markets it was back to our hotel room for a night of hot chocolates and 500 ( card game ) This, has been my favorite card game for a very long time, so when we go on holidays I always make sure to pack some cards because people are always more likely to play with me. By the time we got into bed and I sent a few messages to my loved ones back at home. I fell asleep for the night, ready for another full day tomorrow.


This day was by far my favorite day, I think. I mean there has been so many beautiful days, so it's really hard to know which one is my favorite, but this one was very special for reasons soon to be unfolded.

Our day began with a viewing of another temple.

I always feel lucky to be let into a sacred places of others and this was no exception.

After wandering around the temple we met a local man who was a took took driver and spoke very good English. He offered to take us around to a few of the tourist attractions in the city. After a little bargaining we accepted his offer and off we went. The first place it took us was called the golden temple it was beautifully decorated inside and out and was amazing to look at.

The outside alone was beautiful enough to go and see, but the inside was just as amazing and as well looked after. With every surface painted and decorated it was breathtaking.  

There were some very young monks and boys at the temple, this I found out was because they can join at any time. But it has to be a decision made by themselves. Many boys from poor families come and leave monkhood in their own time because of the free education opportunities that are available to monks. There were some really young boys helping the monks too, so we thought they may be testing the waters a little.

Me and my family received a family blessing, wishing us luck in our lives and on our travels.

Me and my father received another very special blessing to cleanse and let go of the bad in our lives and let in and embrace the good. After this blessing we should have good luck for the rest of our lives. This was a very special opportunity and I feel very lucky to have been given such a wonderful blessing. 

After this lovely and refreshing blessing we left this beautiful temple and walked along the river bank beside it. Hopefully I will get to return to this temple one day.

There was a temple under restoration

A boy sitting on the pieces of marble that will become the floor

Our walk along the river was beautiful and breezy. With locals relaxing of the river side it was beautiful.

The flower of this tree is medication used for pregnant women 

After the temple we traveled to another place that was home to a beautiful statue of a giant boat.

After our adventures it was time for some food and a swim. We retired to our room for the night after two long days

These two days were filled with the beauty surrounding Phenom Phen. I feel very lucky to to be given these beautiful opportunities in my life. I am going to try and post two days at a time in order to get caught up, but it will just all depend on how quickly I get them finished as I have been having internet trouble. Hopefully you will see my posts again soon.
Much love to you all, as always.

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