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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

The New Year, Where Have I Been, Life Update.

Hey guys, so I think this may be the longest I have ever not posted for. So let us rewind...... last time I was posting, it was just before Christmas and I had just come back from my travels around South East Asia. This was definitely one of the best times of my life and as many people say, and many of you that travel may know; Travel helps to you see things from a different perspective. So in light of that over these last months I have been doing a lot of self -evaluating and spending time to decide what kind of person I want to be. So now that that's all well underway I am back and I am here to catch you up on what has happened so far in my New Year!

One of the most exciting and unexpected things that happened to me so far this year is I found myself in a new relationship. So naturally I want you to all know about this exciting new introduction to my life. This relationship has come at a good time in my life, where I am happier than I have ever been and I feel like I can really give a lot. So this is definitely a mini victory for me. I'm sure Nick will be featured in many more of my posts but I am not going to share many of the details of our relationship, mostly because it's not something I want to share with the whole of the internet, but also out of respect to Nick because my internet life shouldn't really impact on the life of my significant other. But nevertheless very exiting news and I hope you all get to see the happiness that this man has brought to my life shine through these blog posts into your lives.

As far as the other things that have happened, well it's honestly not a lot, but that's not to say that it hasn't been the best year of my life so far. There have been many friendships turn into family over the New Year. I have without a doubt began to value all the beautiful people around me more and I am very lucky to have a plethora of amazing individuals supporting me and loving me as I grow, change and enjoy life. So a massive shout out to everyone in my life!

So in other news I have decided to go further than being a vegetarian and become a vegan. Now I know everyone has there own opinions and feelings about topics involving such morals, however, I think that we can all agree that we all just want a better world and we are all fighting for the same things and this is how I feel I can make a better world. By not contributing to the unsustainable nature of the meat and dairy industries. I am not going to go into it in anymore detail because there is truck loads of information on the internet if you want it and I don't want to influence anyone else's beliefs or lifestyle because this is a personal decision.

Now as far as the rest of my year, I am taking a 6 month break from my studies to hopefully do some more growing and mostly spending my time enjoying being 21 years young, wild and free. I hope to go on some adventures and spend lots of time with the people that I love, of course I plan to document this along the way. So I don't know what direction this blog is going in, but I am excited and I love you all and as always want to share with you my beautiful life.

Thanks, as always, for reading and please feel free to let me know what you guys have been doing over the new year cause I would love to know. I will hopefully be hearing more from you all now that I am back to blogging.
Stay awesome xx

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