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Friday, July 03, 2015

Day #12 01-07-2015` More Henna, Driving and Family.

So I am still behind on my posts. But I am going to try my best to catch up. All the days are starting to blur together a little bit since I am on holidays. Lucky the photos have dates on them. Now this day is the 1st and was significantly less eventful than most of the other days in my life. But I still had a great day filled with awesome people. I also want to apologize for the low quality of some of the photos as my camera ran out of battery and I had to use my phone for a few of the photos. So before we begin Onism is the word for today and it is the frustration of being stuck in one body that can only inhabit one place at a time. This word is significant to me this day because we were travelling and I'll totally explain more later.

But here we go.

My morning began with work and tired eyes. Even though I love mornings I don't really get used to waking up before the sun rises. Maybe there is some inbuilt thing in your brain that thinks it should still be asleep. After work it was time to pack for my little road trip. I was super exited all morning and I packed pretty quickly. I packed the best way possible I think. With some music and lots of dancing. Otherwise packing just become a little boring.

After I was done packing I drew some more henna onto my arm. I think I am getting a little bit obsessed, I am thankful for the non-permanence of it because I am still trying to get the hang of it.

After my henna dried it was time for us all to leave. So we jumped into the car and we were off. Now I was very overtired so I fell asleep quickly. The kind of quick where you don't even remember falling asleep. I was woken after the majority of the trip was over when it was time to get some snacks and refuel. I got a toasted sandwich with cheese and tomato and olives. Now some of you will be aware that I am obsessed with olives. I will often sit there are eat a whole 500g jar for a "snack". This is probably not a healthy habit I am well aware of how much salt olives have. But I love olives, especially the green sort and I was super keen to eat my olive toastie.

Back in there car I was headed off to my parents house. We arrived there soon and I got to see my father and my grandmother. I miss home a lot. I moved out of home about a year and a half ago and I still miss being able to see my parents everyday. I also miss the beautiful area of the Byron shire where I grew up. The beaches there are famous for their beauty for those of you who are unaware. If you are back for the post of what I do tomorrow there will be some photos of the beach. 

My father had some chores to run and I ended up spending some cuddle time with my cat Jinty. She is a very affectionate cat and we ended up having a nice afternoon nap together. I miss having her around too sometimes. I am not aloud to keep animals where I live. Except for my beautiful fish of course. I miss the companionship that animals offer. Later you will see some of the beautiful dogs that I also get to spend time with when I am at my parents house.

Now I think that now is a good time to bring up my feelings of onism again. Because these feelings resonated with me on this day. I love visiting my family in the shire and I love walking barefoot in the lush grass and along the beach. I love sitting on my parents front porch in the sun with the dogs and I love having afternoon naps with Jinty. So I wish that I could stay here with them all the time, while another body of mine would allow me to experience other parts of life. Such as visiting Newcastle where we were going to see Nicholas's family or spending time at my house in Brisbane with my friends there. There would be many benefits to being able to inhabit multiple places at once I think you will all agree and that is the frustration I was feeling on this particular day.

Now when my grandmother and my father returned from the errands they were running. Her and I decided to walk the dogs. The closest dog into the photo is not really trained to walk on a lead and he made things a little difficult. But all in all I had a beautiful walk with my lovely grandmother.

My mother came home after we finished our walk and I spent some time talking to her and cooking dinner and generally catching up on life. It's funny because one of the things I used to dislike about living at home is one of things I miss the most. This is sitting around the dining table as a family every single night and talking to each other about our days. I want to apologize to my parents over making such a fuss over it some nights and I also want to vow to do the same when I have a family no matter how much everyone complains.

After some dinner and some lovely chatting. I went to Nicholas's house and a lovely day ended with a lovely night of scrabble with friends and family.

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