Heya friends and welcome back!
This post is going to be a bit of a weird one, because my blog has been having some serious issues. In order to catch up I am s'mushing all my time that I had in Kuala Lumpur (KL) into one post. Which was the 8th and the 9th as well as a day on the 14th (Valentines Day). I will do my best to make it make chronological sense, but if not enjoy the pictures.
Disclaimer, if you are scared/ triggered by birds (like me) Don't read this.
Hello again, future Yam here. I am sitting in my hotel in Singapore finally getting chance to finish up this post, sitting in nearing the end of my trip. So
I have to be honest, looking back at KL it was my least favourite place by far, we came here to see the Thaipusam festival, but we unfortunately ended up missing it. I think this kinda put a downer on our whole time in KL. Hopefully this doesn't show too much in the quality of the photos or my blog, but hey; we keep it real here and KL was just a big busy noisy loud city, which I can find at home. But we did end up going to a really cool Bird Park here. Which happens to be the largest walk in avery in the world, so not all was lost. On our second day trip to KL it was Valentines day as i mentioned, and it turned out to be a really nice night. So although it was not my favourite, it was still a good time. Most of the time.
So hopefully this will help get you all up to speed! Here is my recount of our whole time in KL (8th, 9th & 14th), I hope you all enjoy. I am enjoying finally having internet and a functional blog*!
*I think there are still issues...... but I am trying to fix them and just want to get these post up before I am already back home. So sorry, thanks for being patient.
8-02-2017 - Goodbye Melaka, Hello KL.
Leaving the gorgeous Melaka was pretty sad, but on the bright side the buses here all seem to be really comfortable, reclining chairs, large plush seats and curtains. After being here I think Australia really needs to step up there bus game.

But travelling for me is sometimes a little like time travel, I am a seriously good napper(if I can say so myself). It makes travelling pretty bearable and seemingly quick. Which is lucky because we probably moved around a little to quick from place to place. Which meant bus after bus after bus. But oh well, lesson learnt for next trip.

So after a stress free trip we arrived in KL, the view from where we were staying was pretty, although you can see what I was saying about all the skyscrapers, concrete jungles are not really my thing. We were 33 floors up though so no complaints about our awesome view of the city.
Travelling really takes the energy out of me, even though I sleep the whole time. Doesn't really make sense, but that's the reality. So we mostly just hung out in the unit and eventually ventured out to have some chips and cider for lunch. Over in the Irish pubs here they have Guinness on tap, not for me, but Nick loves it his favourite drink. I personally don't really do beer (Sorry to all the beer lovers, more for you I guess). The most exciting thing for me was finding out that hot chips and malt vinegar are a match made in heaven. I don't know if I will ever go back to eating chips without vinegar.
But the most exciting thing was finding a soy coffee! Yes, yes I know, I am such a white girl (label accepted) But my Starbucks, iced, soy caramel latte was delicious, yet very overpriced.
The rest of our evening was spent in the unit, watching all the cars and people wander around like ants and beetles.
Shout out to my mumma bear, who is afraid of heights. This reminded me of times when you asked me to step off of structurally sound (railed off) balconies because it was too high. Love you mummy 😍
09-02-2017 - Bravest Day of my Life - KL Bird Park.
Today was the day we SHOULD have gone to see the festival, but we looked at too many sites with too many different dates and got ourselves all confused. This is another example of first time travel (without parents) mistakes, I suggest asking locals, not the internet.
But as I mentioned earlier not all was lost as we got to go to a beautiful bird park and with the help of some valium, I actually ended up enjoying myself and all the pretty photos I could take. Birds are so colourful, kinda like the flowers of the animal kingdom. But in saying that, I still hold my stance that birds are scary and unpredictable with their flappy wings, sharp claws and beaks. But they aren't ALL bad.
So instead of talking about every single bird, ('cause I know nothing about them) here are just my favourite shots. Also credit due to Nick for taking a lot of these cause I was too scared.
P.s Some of these were taken on a phone camera so quality will vary. Enjoy!
So in the subtitle "Bravest Day of my Life", I wasn't even kidding. I fed a bird and not just any bird a giant one, this beautiful Peacock. I just want to say thank you, for not biting off my head, hand or any other part of my body and just gratefully taking the sunflower seed. I appreciate it greatly.
⇩⇩⇩⇩Photo evidence below ⇩⇩⇩⇩

(Lol Jokes, You will always be a Bin Chicken to me 💔 )
Lastly my favourite and least terrifying bird in the whole park this little guy. Thanks for not having wings, claws, feathers or a beak and being fluffy and cute. Silly rabbity, you're not a bird. What are you doing in the bird park?
On our way from the park to go and get some dinner we saw some cute little monkeys. They don't really like to stick around for photos but I did get one of this little man.

I think I have figured out the technique for finding Vegan foods at most street stalls, as no one actually understands what Vegan means. I have been asking for Vegetarian, ONLY VEGETABLES and no egg. It seems to work out well, so if you are a vegan travelling, struggling in a very un-vegan world like me. Give that tactic a try.
14-02-2017 Leaving Taman Negara, Valentines Day stop off in KL for a Night bus Trip.
So flash forward to the future, this is where it gets kind of confusing. By this time we had already been to Penang (which will be my next post) and Taman Negara (TN), We didn't realise the only way to get to and from Taman Negara is from KL, so we really should have gone to TN first, while we were already in KL. So keep that in mind if you are travelling there. So with more terrible planning we ended up having to come back to KL numerous times. Our first stop back after my Penang post; I will talk about in our trip to Taman Negara, as we spent such little time in KL then it's not really worth including in this post. However, this is our trip back to Singapore and our Valentines day stop over in KL we spent most of the afternoon and night waiting for our night bus.
So even if that makes no sense (which I'm fairly sure it didn't), here it what we did on the 14th leaving TN and arriving in KL.

Another bus, what a surprise! Although this time I wasn't really sad to be laving Taman Negara, I'll tell you all about that drama when I make that post. We took a 9am bus back to KL with the excitement of a midnight overnight bus and the joy of returning to our home away from home Bugis, Singapore. I also slept most of this trip so there are not really any photos, except for this really sexy selfie of the both of us, you can tell Nick is really enjoying all these bus rides.
After 5 and a half hours and two different buses, we did arrive in KL around 4.
We had some time to kill before the Night bus so we decided to head over to the Petronas Towers as I hadn't gotten any good photos of this iconic building and I think it's a bit of an obligation while visiting KL so here are some of the photos I took as we wandered around the streets on the way.
We went back to visit the famous Petronas Towers. Which is really just another giant shopping mall. Which if you're into that cool, cause there are a lot of them. But I don't really enjoy them that much, my favourite thing about the centre was the place where we ate every night in KL, It's in the food court called Bengal Cuisine, Indian food is my favourite and is a sure way to find some good filling vegan food.
After our delicious meal, we sat in the park by the tower looking at the beautiful lights, which to be honest was a really nice way to spend our valentines night.

After another long walk back to the bus station, needless to say we were very, very sleepy. Since we had been travelling since 9am. I literally lay on the sidewalk and waited for our bus to arrive and slept like a baby nearly the whole way, except for immigration of course.

Arriving back in Singapore at 7am, we were relived to be in a familiar place. If any of you are coming to Singapore and want to avoid to super modern, hustle and bustle. Little India is where is is at. Literally feels like my second home now.
Glad to be back.
Thank you guys again for reading, I think this was one of the longest posts I have ever written, literally took me like half a day (Including procrastination). I hope at least a few of you made it to the end, even if it was just for all the pretty pictures.
I'm going to go take a well deserved shower and enjoy my last days back in Singapore.
I still have to catch you up on my posts from Penang and Taman Negara. So See you then,
Thank you for reading, if you got to the end I love you the most.
Australia misses Yam.
ReplyDeleteYam missed Australia too, I am home all safe and sound, Hello Australia. :D