Long time no talk. It is safe to say that I have been neglecting this space lately because sometimes I just need time. Then days, turn to weeks and weeks turn to months and I still haven't posted. It's not like I don't think about it all the time, in fact I have a bunch of drafts in my PostBox I'll never finish that I deemed unworthy of being read.
But the longer I am gone from this outlet and the longer I go without hearing encouraging words from you people, the more I realise, I miss so much about this platform. Writing and creating has always apart of who I am and I often feel misplaced when I am not honouring that part of myself.
So it is safe to say that I have been lost, under the piles and piles of school work, my part time job and a constant nagging in my mind that everything I am and everything I am doing isn't enough.
I have been doing some serious thinking about this topic of "enough-ness" and I realised the more I tried to decipher why I wasn't enough, or what it was that I didn't have enough of; well I drew blank. So long story, very, very short I decided to stop beating myself up about just being me.
There is nothing wrong with being messy, I like messy. There is nothing wrong with my emotions (any of them), or having so many of them.
So I could go on and on, but I am just here to say Hi, I missed you and I will be bringing this space back to life. I am, as always going to be raw, messy and just dis-jointedly share with you this imperfect life that I am creating.
So I hope you guys will stick around for the crazy, messy, ride.
If you are still here, loving me after all my fuffing about I love you more, thanks for everything.
Oh and one more thing.... I chopped my hair off and I got bangs!
See ya'll soon!
hellllll yeah, i miss blogging a lot when i'm going through a rut! it's good to upload a post and get chatting to people again, so hello you - welcomeback :)
ReplyDeleteps. hair looks banging (
katie. xx lacoconoire.com