I can't say how happy I am to be writing this for you; because it's been so long. I've been away with myself, for some quite time. I have needed this break and some space to think. I enjoyed ignoring my phone, hadn't touched my laptop in months. I think everyone needs a little break from being part of everyone else's reality and needs a chance to reconnect with their own.
Honestly I love social media, I love connecting with people and hearing other people stories, being uplifted and inspired as I watch them grow; but like many other creators I find myself in the trap of comparing my work too much to others, judging my journey as less interesting, or less valid although I know we are all on different paths.
I find myself often falling into a void, where I feel like I can't create anything; I won't force myself too either, because I want to share with you only the most genuine and truthful aspects of my journey and not just create for the sake of consistency or obligation. I owe more than a half-hearted attempt to both you and myself, so with that in mind....
Here is to 2018! The year where I will continue to become more unforgivingly Yasmine. So in the spirit of the New Year, I think it will only be fitting to talk about some of the things I plan to do to help me achieve that goal:
1. Blog "Daily"
If you have been following me for AGES (since before I rebranded and my blog was
still called Yasminesbeautylife) I used to blog my daily life, in fact that is how it all started; I wanted to reflect on my days and show gratitude for the good things that happened and celebrate the little successes that I often found myself overlooking. I found it really helped to inspire me to see beautiful things in the mediocre everyday (as well as forcing me to leave the house so I have something to write about).
I feel like I have been overlooking some of the magic that I see everyday so I wanted to use a fresh new year to start documenting again. Now by "daily" blogs I mean most days, not everyday, not just weekdays, just whenever....no half-hearted, obligatory posts; only ones that I feel are a true representation of me and pour naturally from my heart onto the page. Some days may even be all images, it is what it is.
2. Weight Lifting/ Generally working out more.
Since my break from blogging I have found a new passion for exercise, but in particular weight lifting. Obviously many people have shared their opinions on my decision to start lifting, some are excited, others are worried I will get "too buff" but it all comes down to the way I feel, it makes me feel empowered, stronger, more energetic and I also like the way my body is changing and looking more muscular, so that's really all that matters, not wether someone finds me attractive. Society; stop being freaked out by strong women please and thank you, there is no right way to be a women all women are real women regardless of their body type.
3. Reduce my Waste.
This is something I have been trying to do for some time. But I have made this resolution with my beautiful friend Adena; a stunning women, who means a lot to me. Doing this with her will definitely add an extra helping heart who cares for the planet and also push me to be better! She hasn't failed me yet, though I am not sure she can say the same about me...... But thats besides the point. To make a long story short reducing your waste (mostly plastic) will save the planet and more importantly the turtles.
So there are my resolutions for 2018. I hope this year is filled with just as much change and growth as 2017 was; that is my main goal. Living my life is more important than any of these resolutions, so to all the other people making (or not making them). No pressure, you will get there in time. We shouldn't expect perfection. In fact this post was supposed to be up on the 1st, five days later I got there and I am not fussed, I will catch up.
So over all love yourselves, enjoy your year. I hope you grow

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